Placement and Career Support

Our Ph.D. 毕业生始终获得终身教职, 以及大学里其他有回报的职位, museums, archives, and beyond. 电子游戏正规平台生安置主任与每个学生密切合作, organizing workshops, reviewing applications, sending out dossiers, 并就关键话题举办模拟采访和博览会.

Ph.D. Placements


Rachael Young

Dissertation Title: "Less Violent But No Less Visible: Criminalization and Community Murals in Brixton and Belfast, 1970–1989"
Advisor: Robert Savage
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow and Program Coordinator, Irish Studies Program, Boston College

Mia Michael

Dissertation Title: "Caring for the Commonwealth: Domestic Work and Worker Organizing in Boston, Massachusetts, 1960–2015"
Advisor: Marilynn Johnson
Position: Assistant Professor of History and Labor Studies, Wayne State University

Elizabeth Pingree

Dissertation Title: "The Footloose Labor System: Work and Migration in the Pacific Northwest, 1850–1940"
Advisor: Heather Cox Richardson
Position: 奥林匹克学院兼职讲师

Whitney Abernathy Barnes

Dissertation Title: “Remaking Religion: Islam, Empire, Race, and the Secularization of French Christianity 1830–1920"
Advisor: Devin Pendas
Position: 德克萨斯州Veritas学者学院历史教师

Kelly Lyons

Dissertation Title: "The Reinvention of Tradition: The Nationalist Network and the Making of the American Citizen, 1920–1955"
Advisor: Marilynn Johnson
Position: Qualitative Insight Analyst, WEVO


Beyond the Tenure Track

除了我们成功地帮助博士.D. 学生获得终身职位, we are enthusiastic about helping interested students explore and gain other rewarding forms of employment within historical societies, museums, archives, research foundations, university administration, secondary education, and beyond.

Non-Tenure-Track Opportunities