
Bringing science to the community through targeted outreach activities is a vital extension of education and research in the chemical sciences at 电子游戏软件. 化学 outreach conveys the excitement of discovery that is at the heart of scientific inquiry and that serves as a catalyst for learning. 化学 outreach aims to demystify science through hands-on experiments that encourage learners of all ages to make connections and to see possibilities. We are proud of the creative outreach initiatives of our faculty, post-doctoral staff, and students. 

化学拓展活动联系人: 戴尔·马奥尼


电子游戏软件 Shows 化学 Magic at AAAS 家庭科学日

家庭科学日, 向公众开放的免费活动, is a yearly production of the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

在今年的活动中, 电子游戏软件 chemists put on a stage show called “化学 Magic” that left no seat empty in the Hynes Convention Center Exhibition Hall. 以小品的形式, faculty members and graduate students demonstrated polymer synthesis, visible effects of chemical reactions (release of gas and change of color), 化学动力学. 在其中一个小品中, 在顾客的要求下, 一位酒保先后把水变成了“酒”。, “milk” and “beer” by pouring the liquid from one glass to another. In another skit, a genie showed off his grandfather’s “clock in a flask” (iodine clock reactions).

化学系 外展 partners with the Lynch School of Education

化学系 外展 partners with the Lynch School of Education

The 化学系 has partnered with the Lynch School of Education Urban 外展 Initiative to bring elementary school students into the lab to experience the magic of chemistry. 林恩·奥康奈尔教授, Director of Introductory Laboratories, led the students in an experiment. By crossing linking the polymer in glue with borax and adding a few drops of food coloring the students produced Flubber, 令他们高兴的是.



在12月, Professor Jason Kingsbury and undergraduate researcher 朱利安 Ponsetto (BCC’12) created a 化学 Activities Day for underprivileged Boston youth. 朱利安, 主修化学荣誉课程的大三学生, 在电子游戏软件上大一的时候,他就成了“老大哥”. The Big Brothers (and Big Sisters) program matches young adults with ‘at risk’ children in the greater Boston’s public school system. A pairing begins as a simple friendship and can evolve into a trusted partnership in which the mentor helps to foster the child’s interests and reinforce positive behaviors. 当他们第一次见面时, 朱利安的弟弟查理11岁了, and 朱利安 took Boston transit once a week to visit him at school during a lunch hour. 这对查理的积极影响是意料之中的, 但对朱利安的互惠利益却无法预见. 朱利安 has been amazed at how much he shares in common with Charlie in spite of their different backgrounds. He has been inspired by Charlie’s determination and resolve despite the unique challenges of growing up and attending school in the inner city.

今年, several 电子游戏软件 Big Brothers worked with the University’s Volunteer and Service Learning Center to create a program for Little Brothers from Roxbury and Dorchester to visit with their Big Brothers on-campus. 我们计划了一个化学活动日. In what amounted to a magic show orchestrated by 朱利安 at the front of the large lecture hall in Merkert, the teams of Little and Big Brothers were witness to live demonstrations of reactivity and basic chemical principles. Professor Kingsbury was on hand to encourage each student to formulate a working hypothesis before each ‘trick’ was performed. One of the experiments that caught everyone’s attention was the disappearing cup. When styrofoam is immersed in acetone it completely dissolves! Fortunately, a large enough supply of cups was on hand to keep the excitement at a high level. 这一天非常有趣,取得了巨大的成功.


电子游戏软件 Shows 化学 Magic at AAAS 家庭科学日

家庭科学日, 向公众开放的免费活动, is a yearly production of the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

在今年的活动中, 电子游戏软件 chemists put on a stage show called “化学 Magic” that left no seat empty in the Hynes Convention Center Exhibition Hall. 以小品的形式, faculty members and graduate students demonstrated polymer synthesis, visible effects of chemical reactions (release of gas and change of color), 化学动力学. 在其中一个小品中, 在顾客的要求下, 一位酒保先后把水变成了“酒”。, “milk” and “beer” by pouring the liquid from one glass to another. In another skit, a genie showed off his grandfather’s “clock in a flask” (iodine clock reactions).

在他们的展台上, the enthusiastic children were provided with hands-on experiences by the following research groups:



的成员 Paul Davdovits教授's research group recently helped organize the first-ever middle school science fair at the 果园的花园 Pilot School in Roxbury, 麻萨诸塞州. 果园的花园, K-8学校, was one of four Boston public schools awarded a GEMS (Gelfand Endeavor for Massachusett Schools) grant from the Gelfand Family Trust. GEMS程序的目标是激发, 参与, 并通过探究性学习激励学生. One of the primary objectives of this program is to establish and improve science fairs in the public schools. Dr. 埃本·克罗斯博士.D.'09), 谁领导外展计划, worked with a team of colleagues from 电子游戏软件 and MIT to support the middle school students through the months leading up to the event. 来自Davidovits实验室的团队成员包括. 安德鲁·兰姆、亚当·埃亨(B.S.David Croasdale(公元前11年). 2010年1月27日, 237 students - representing 95% of all the students from grades 6 through 8 - presented 107 projects in the first ever 果园的花园 Science Fair. Each group presented their work to four different scientist/judges, and 15 projects were selected to represent 果园的花园 at the regional science fair held at Northeastern University in March. 在科学展览的晚上, over 350 parents and students crowded into the gymnasium to view the projects. 展览会取得了巨大的成功. Dr. Cross is the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Environmental 化学 Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Civil and Environmental 工程 at MIT.