
从 二十五周年纪念册,


James Bernard Macelwane, S.J.编辑,1950年


作者:Daniel Linehan,年代.J.


1928年末, 乔治城大学校长的好意, 科尔曼·内维尔斯牧师, S.J.和天文台台长弗朗西斯. Tondorf,年代.J., donated a pair of Bosch-Omori pendula (25 kilograms) to Weston College. 牧师E.P. Tivnan,年代.J. then Rector of Weston College had been interested in erecting a seismic station at Weston and it was through his efforts that Georgetown University donated this equipment. 亨利·M. 布洛克,年代.J. 被任命为台长.

过了几个月设备才投入使用. 测试了几个地点, but the station was finally located in the basement of the "Mansion" where bedrock was but a few feet below floor level. 7月, 1930, 第一张唱片是放在鼓上的, 但即便如此, 由于缺乏经验, it was doubtful if the equipment was in proper adjustment and nothing short of an intensity 10 quake would have been recorded. 在那一年的12月,牧师弗雷德里克W. Sohon,年代.J. of Georgetown University visited the station and adjusted the instruments. 第一次地震记录于1931年1月.

During this inaugural period many men were responsible for the labor of beginning the station. Besides the interest of Fathers Tivnan and Brock, the theological students Messrs. T.H. 奎格利J.A. Blatchford T.D. 巴里和B.F. 多赛特, 耶稣会的成员, were responsible for the many hours of work and testing that went into building the station and erecting the equipment. 牧师T.H. 奎格利,年代.J., was the first observer and held that post until succeeded by Reverend J.B. 多尔蒂,年代.J. 多尔蒂神父的继任者是D. Linehan,年代.J.1934年夏天.

1934年8月,F.J. 多兰,年代.J., 圣十字教堂的牧师, 伍斯特, donated the Wiechert (80 kilogram) that had been stalled at that College in 1909. Wiechert和Bosch-Omori藏在同一个地下室. 牧师G.A. O'Donnall 被任命为台长 in 1935 and retained that post until 1940. 1935年夏天,M.J. 埃亨,年代.J., took the occasion of his twenty-fifth anniversary of the priesthood to raise a fund to purchase better seismic equipment for Weston. It was decided to purchase Benioff (100 Kilogram) pendula with long and short period recording assemblies. In October of that year the fund was presented to Father Ahern and the instruments ordered. Preparations were make to house the new installation near the Bosch-Omori and Wiechert. 贝尼奥夫的垂直组件安装于1936年7月, 第一个记录是在这个月6号记录的. The horizontal components arrived later and were put into operation on November 11, 1936. Weston's greatest benefactor both in making the fund for the equipment a success and also arranging for the erection of the Benioff equipment was Mr. 詹姆斯·R. 波士顿的伯克.

1939年成立了Humble Oil and Refining Company, 休斯顿, 德州, donated a 12 trace seismic reflection assembly to the Observatory to be used in research at Weston. Later other equipment was build at Weston by members of the stall, mostly for refraction work. In 1949 the Century Geophysical Corporation, Tulsa, Oklahoma, donated a 24 trace portable unit. With this assembly of field equipment the Observatory has had several crews in the field at one time. Hundreds of miles of territory have been surveyed by members of the Observatory using for the most part the refraction technique. 除了在新英格兰进行这项工作, 我们在纽约也有业务, 新泽西, 宾西法尼亚, 密歇根, 俄克拉荷马州和加利福尼亚州. Some members of the staff have spent time working with seismic crews engaged in reflection work in Illinois, 密西西比州, 路易斯安那州, 德州, 以及墨西哥湾.

While 韦斯顿天文台 was not the first group to operate shallow refraction surveys in New England it is believed that we have operated more surveys in this area and demonstrated to engineers that this method can be used economically in many of their problems. Applications have been made to the design and location of State highways; for the location of dam sites and the types of subsurface conditions to expect; for foundations of buildings, bridges and other edifices; for the location of tunnels under waterways; for the location of ground water supplies in glaciated regions and other similar problems.

1940年,M牧师.J. 埃亨,年代.J., was appointed Director of the Observatory and has held this appointment to the present time. Although the Observatory has been connected to 电子游戏软件 since its opening, this connection was informal with 电子游戏软件 exercising no jurisdictional right over the Station or its personnel. In 1947 it was formally accepted as a Department of 电子游戏软件 offering courses in geophysics and geology to students in the Graduate School. In 1949 the scientific and office equipment was moved to a new building built for the needs of the Observatory staff and work. 这栋楼有7个,000 square feet of floor space and contains 15 rooms including a geological museum, 办公室, 图书馆, 仪器室, 电子实验室, 现场车辆车库, 黑暗的房间, 等. 该建筑设计于1946年,并于同年开工. Already with added departments and material we already feel crowded. In the construction of this building our most interested and greatest benefactor has been His Excellency, 理查大主教. 波士顿库欣.

The Observatory staff has published over 100 separate articles exclusive of regular monthly and bimonthly Station and Observatory Bulletins. Members have been engaged in several Governmental projects such as the construction of earthquake proof buildings in the West Indian Region; effect of explosions on private dwellings; the location of submarine explosions by seismic methods; the study of subsurface conditions in limestone regions; and many studies on water supply sources in various States. 上次世界大战开始的时候, we were requested to send in daily reports on microseismic conditions and received a letter of commendation from the Chief of one of the 部门 thanking us for suggesting and inaugurating this study. 战争结束时,海军部接管了这项电子游戏正规平台.

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