Arrupe applications for the 2024-2025 academic year are now closed and interviews are in progress. Applicants will be updated of their status and next steps by the end of April. 2025-2026学年的申请将于2026年春季开始. 请伸出援手 有问题的.


Invite students to a year-long commitment including weekly community building and education, 持续的信仰形成, 寒假期间还有一场7-10天的国际比赛.

培养对天主教社会训导种族正义主题的同情和团结意识, 可持续性, 人权, 呼吁社区, 迁移, 和信仰, 和平, & 正义. 

了解社会, 政治, 以及长期合作社区的宗教现实我们通过向那些有第一手经验的人学习.

Reflect on our experiences so that we may translate learning into action.

Arrupe International is one of 电子游戏软件’s hallmark 信仰, 和平 和正义 programs. 该项目以已故耶稣会士佩德罗·阿鲁普(Pedro Arrupe, S.J.—creates a culture of encounter, inviting students to a 信仰 that seeks global 正义. 我们预计2024-2025年的地点包括南非, 墨西哥, 多米尼加共和国, 萨尔瓦多, 以及美墨边境. 通过聆听东道主用他们自己的语言讲述的故事,学生们可以了解我们所访问国家的复杂现实.

通过培养对天主教社会训导种族正义主题的同情心和责任感, 可持续性, 人权, 呼吁社区, 迁移, 和信仰, 和平, & 正义,  通过提供空间来反思自己的经历, the Arrupe program allows participants to translate their learning into action. 我们这样做的精神. Arrupe, 是谁开创了服务结合, 信仰, 和正义, 他相信这样的个人经历是催化世界结构变化的关键,可以减轻压迫, 暴力, 以及那些需要帮助的人面临的其他现实.

To be eligible to participate in the Arrupe International Immersion program, you must:

  • 在电子游戏软件有良好表现的在校本科生,并将在2024-2025学年期间在校学习
  • 在旅行出发日期前至少年满18岁
  • Not have participated in a previous BC-sponsored international service-immersion trip
  • Either have or be willing to acquire a valid passport for international travel
  • Provide documented parent or guardian support to participate in the program, if requested
  • 填写所有必需的申请材料
  • Be in appropriate emotional and physical health for international travel
  • 承诺完成该计划的全部筹款要求,否则将在申请中获得校园事工奖学金
  • Fully participate in the program’s meetings, retreats, and any pre- or post-trip activities


大学生干部 作为合作伙伴协调一次特定的Arrupe之旅, and are supported by a pair of 导师 (graduate students or professional staff members at BC). 每一对学生领袖和导师在他们的全年经历中陪伴一个特定的小社区, 包括旅行. Student 引领ers are responsible for facilitating the small group meetings, 为旅行做后勤准备, and practicing the ministry of presence in accompanying the students of the group.

To be eligible to be a Student 引领er in the Arrupe国际相遇计划, you must:

  • 在电子游戏软件取得良好成绩的即将升学的三年级或四年级学生,并将在即将到来的学年期间在校学习
  • 非常成熟、正直、谦逊和富有同情心
  • 渴望探索并与他人分享信仰
  • 树立对社会正义和团结的承诺的榜样
  • 有很强的组织能力和团队协调能力
  • Have or be willing to acquire a valid passport that provides for international travel
  • Provide documented parent or guardian support to participate in the program, if requested
  • 填写所有必需的申请材料
  • Be in appropriate emotional and physical health for international travel
  • 承诺完成该计划的全部筹款要求
  • Fully participate in the program’s meetings, retreats, and any pre- or post-trip activities

导师 are adults affiliated with 电子游戏软件 as administrators, staff, faculty, and graduate students. 每一对导师在他们的全年经历中陪伴一个特定的小社区, 包括寒假旅行. 在BC的国内体验和小组反思中,导师作为小组的指导和支持. 重要的是, 导师 are there to manage emergencies that may arise and to respond accordingly, 并确保团队有一个安全的, 健康的, 和尊重的经验.

To be eligible to be an Adult Mentor in the Arrupe国际相遇计划, you must:

  • 在电子游戏软件拥有良好信誉的全职工作人员,并将在即将到来的学年期间在校园工作
  • Have previous experience with an international service-immersion trip
  • Commit to the ideas of 信仰 sharing, social 正义, and global citizenship
  • Through servant leadership, invest in student formation and community-building
  • Be present to, support, and challenge Student 引领ers as they grow into their role
  • Have or be willing to acquire a valid passport that provides for international travel
  • 填写所有必需的申请材料
  • Be in appropriate emotional and physical health for international travel
  • Fully participate in the program’s meetings, retreats, and any pre- or post-trip activities

请电子邮件 有你的兴趣. 

Thank you for considering a donation to the Arrupe国际相遇计划. 您的免税捐赠是宝贵的学习经验投资,许多电子游戏软件的学生将带着他们的余生. 这些慈善捐款不予退还.


  • 参观 网上捐赠表格
  • Enter your information; for the field "Area of Support” select either the specific Arrupe Trip you would like to support or the Arrupe - General Gift Fund. 如果你赞助某个学生, 请选择“以BC学生的名义”,写上他们的名字和年份.
  • 按“递交礼物”


McElroy Commons 233
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

If your corporation matches donations, please enclose the appropriate forms.

Arrupe国际会面计划, 在电子游戏软件董事会的保护伞下, is a non-profit 501(c)3 with a federal tax exemption number of 04-2103545.


Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
