Confronting Environmental Racism

In the Spring 2021 semester, the Schiller Institute undertook a concerted, interdisciplinary effort to explore the origins, extent, and effects of environmental racism and began a series of discussions aimed at working toward approaches to combating this deadly injustice. This effort continued in Fall 2022. The Schiller Institute plans to continue offering programming on this pressing issue.

The Undergraduate Government of Boston College (UGBC) Sustainability Division in partnership with the Schiller Institute hosted a panel exploring environmental racism.

The Schiller-UGBC Environmental Racism Panel was held on November 29 from 6pm - 7pm in the Schiller Institute Convening Space (room 501, 245 Beacon Street), the event featured an interdisciplinary and cross-organizational panel of experts, including: Boston College faculty: Lacee Satcher (Sociology), Michael Glass (History) and Laura Hake (Biology), and the Reverend Vernon K. Walker, Program Director of Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (Crew).