
Boston College offers extensive resources for Catholic and ecumenical study of theology. Embedded in the culturally rich Boston metropolitan area, the combined faculties of the 莫里西文理学院 Theology Department and the 神学与事工学院 make Boston College a premier international center for the study of theology. The library, courses, and faculty resources available to graduate students at Boston College are further expanded by Boston College’s membership in the Boston Theological Interreligious Consortium (BTI), a consortium of theology faculties primarily in the Boston-Newton-Cambridge area, which has as its constituent members the following institutions:

  • 电子游戏软件的神学系
  • Boston College’s 神学与事工学院
  • 波士顿伊斯兰神学院
  • Boston University Graduate Program in Religion
  • 波士顿大学神学院
  • 戈登-康韦尔神学院
  • Hartford International University for Religion and Peace
  • 哈佛神学院
  • 希伯来大学
  • 希腊东正教圣十字神学院
  • St. 约翰神学院和神学院

This consortium offers complete cross-registration in several hundred courses, the use of library facilities in the ten schools, 联合研讨会和项目, 以及教师交流项目.
