菲利普·兰德里根,m.m.D., '63 director of the Program on 全球 Public 健康 and the Common Good and the 电子游戏软件 全球行星健康观测站, is the lead author of a groundbreaking new report about the far-reaching 健康 hazards of plastics manufacturing and pollution across the entire product life cycle.

发表于期刊 全球公共卫生年鉴 并在摩纳哥海洋周期间在摩纳哥发布, the study was undertaken by an international group of scientists led by the Observatory and partners at Australia’s Minderoo基金会 and the 摩纳哥科学中心.


报告的主要作者Philip Landrigan, m.s.D., director of the Program on 全球 Public 健康 and the Common Good and the 电子游戏软件 Observatory on Planetary 健康

在接下来的Q中&A, 兰德里根讨论了这项电子游戏正规平台前所未有的范围, 首先考察经济, 健康, 环境, and social costs associated with plastics from the first stages of fabrication to the many end states of the material that is seemingly everywhere–in homes and businesses, 埋在堆填区, 散落在路边, 积聚在海洋和水道中, 并渗入人类和动物的体内.

无数的电子游戏正规平台调查了塑料污染和健康风险. 这个分析有什么不同?

This is the first analysis to look at hazards to human 健康 caused by plastics across their entire life cycle - cradle to grave – beginning with extraction of the coal, 几乎所有的塑料都是由石油和天然气制成的, 通过生产和使用, 接下来是塑料垃圾被扔进垃圾填埋场的问题, 倒入海洋或运往海外.

之前的电子游戏正规平台关注的是塑料生命周期的碎片. 的y have looked at the problem from many different perspectives based on expertise in air pollution, 或者海洋, 或水力压裂, 或医学. 但到目前为止,还没有人一次性审视整个问题. That is what is different about our approach…that and the fact that we focused very specifically on plastics’ impacts on human 健康.



We did this study because we are very concerned about the impacts for human and planetary 健康 of massive, 最近塑料生产和塑料废物几乎呈指数级增长. 自1950年以来,已经生产了80亿吨塑料, 其中一半以上是在过去的20年里, 到2050年,产量将增长三倍. This plastic contains thousands of toxic and cancer-causing chemicals that can leach out of the plastic at every stage. And because plastic does not break down in the environment and less than 10 percent is recycled, an estimated six billion tons of chemical-laden plastic waste now contaminate the earth’s environment. 这是不可持续的.   

Describe the role of the Observatory and its partners at the 摩纳哥科学中心 and the Minderoo基金会 of Australia in the creation of the Monaco Commission on Plastics and Human 健康?

联合国的使命 全球行星健康观测站 是看看21世纪人类面临的巨大威胁st 包括气候变化、污染和生物多样性丧失. 这项电子游戏正规平台正好符合我们和席勒电子游戏正规平台所议程的中心, 它是建立在将不列颠哥伦比亚省的电子游戏正规平台扩展到健康领域的愿景之上的, 能源与环境. This study builds also on our earlier work with the Prince Albert of Monaco Foundation and 摩纳哥科学中心从我们2020年关于人类健康和海洋污染的报告开始. 的 Minderoo基金会 is the biggest foundation in Australia and they are very much concerned about the hazards of plastics and have produced a great deal of information on the subject. 他们来找我们,请我们参与. 该委员会是撰写这份报告的一组科学家, 谁带来了来自世界各地的专业知识. 他们包括我在电子游戏软件的同事,负责电子游戏正规平台的副教务长和. Michael E. 86年和博士. 塞尔瓦托一个. 54年德卢卡大学生物学教授托马斯·奇尔斯,牧师迈克尔·P. 沃尔什,33岁,M.A.'35, L.H.D.75年(鸿.生物伦理学主席Andrea Vicini SJ, 法学教授David Wirth, 化学教授牛佳, 以及现任和前任BC本科生,23届的卡罗琳·博尔德, 卡莉·格里芬,24岁, Hannah Ianelli, 24岁, Ella Whitman, 23岁, 22岁的Jenna Mu和22岁的Aroub Yousuf.


什么是《电子游戏软件》? 它已经存在吗??

它还不存在,但正在协商中. 两年前, the United Nations Environment Assembly – the annual meeting of 环境 leaders from around the world convened by UN – approved a resolution calling for creation of a 全球 Plastics Treaty. 现在,国际谈判代表正在努力将其整合起来. 我们的报告旨在为《电子游戏正规平台》谈判提供信息.  We conclude with a series of recommendations specifically written to dovetail with the negotiations. 全球塑料条约还需要两到三年的时间. 但它将与其他条约产生共鸣, 包括本月早些时候达成的《电子游戏正规平台》.


一群全球领导人 雄心壮志联盟确立了目标. 我们认为这是一个合理的目标,并将其纳入了我们的报告. 很明显,我们的生活不能没有塑料制品. 很多都是必不可少的. But we have to ensure that the plastic we do use is safely produced and properly disposed. 目前,塑料回收是一个失败. 只有10%的塑料被回收利用(相比之下,纸张的回收率为75%). 不是因为人们不想回收. 但一旦塑料进入分拣设施, 大多数物品含有太多的有毒化学物质,无法安全回收. 结果是, chemical-laden plastic waste is shipped around the world to end up in some of the world’s poorest countries. It ends up in landfills or it is burned, often harming communities that host those facilities.

We try to make a very clear distinction in this report between essential uses of plastic and non-essential uses. 很多塑料都是不必要的,尤其是像产品包装这样的一次性塑料. 这不是偶然的. 的 fossil fuel industry sees its markets for gasoline and other fuels declining as the world goes green and they are therefore diverting increasing amounts of coal, 石油和天然气进入塑料制造业,为塑料创造了新的市场. 的 goal of the 全球 Plastics Treaty is to put a brake on this this runaway production while at the same time preserving essential uses of plastic

What is the Permanent Science Policy Advisory Body, which the study also recommends be created?

的 Permanent Science Policy Advisory Body would be created to inform the work of the Treaty and its negotiators and participants with scientific evidence. 所有重大的全球协议或条约都需要科学支持. 的y need access to individuals with expertise to make sure the treaty reflects the most recent science. 这些条约从来都不是一成不变的, 它们必须不断电子游戏正规平台,以反映当前最好的知识.

What was the significance of releasing this report at the beginning of 摩纳哥海洋周?

摩纳哥海洋周 汇集海事部门的主要利益相关者, 从工业, 保护, 学术界, 和政府. Releasing the report at this major international meeting underscores the link between plastic pollution and ocean pollution. It is also significant in that Prince Albert II of Monaco is putting his full weight behind the issue. 摩纳哥是一个小国,但他是国家元首. 他在联合国有一个席位.N. 与美国同等级别的.S. 约瑟夫·拜登总统. When a head of state puts his muscle and his credibility behind a new report or initiative, 就像阿尔伯特亲王在这里勇敢地做的那样, 这很重要.


绝对. 他是一个独立自主的人,他的家族也有保护海洋的传统. 他是家族中第三代以海洋保护为事业的人.

这份报告旨在推动全球范围内的变革. 是什么让你有信心可以做到?

我是个乐观主义者. I have learned from long experience that the first step in bringing about change is to assemble the facts. 这就是我们在这份报告中所做的. Once data have been collected showing that a material like plastic is causing great harm to human 健康 and the earth’s environment, 人们很难说没有问题. That won’t bring about change overnight, but facts are stubborn things and they don’t go away. 给定的时间, 我怀疑全球塑料条约将会建立, 将对塑料生产进行检查和平衡, 目前无节制的塑料垃圾积累将会放缓. 我们现在有一个海洋条约, 我们有减少温室气体排放的巴黎气候协议, 所以事情正朝着正确的方向发展. 作为一名自豪的电子游戏软件毕业生和教职员工, I feel it’s my responsibility to do my bit to live the Jesuit mission to protect our Common Home, 推动变革, 并努力推进共同利益.

Ed Hayward |大学传播| 2023年3月