


注:申请截止日期 扩展 到2024年4月8日


该中心旨在培养新一代人权学者和实践者, 促进有关人权工作的创新和跨学科的学术电子游戏正规平台. The purpose of the grants is to help support 电子游戏软件 students from various disciplines who are interested in pursuing research in the field of human rights and international justice.  电子游戏软件电子游戏正规平台生和本科生都可以获得助学金.


为本科生电子游戏正规平台拨款, 优先考虑来自BC当前二年级和三年级学生的建议, 虽然新生的建议也会被接受并给予充分的审查.  长者不符合资格. Grants for graduate students are intended for students who will be in their program at BC during the following academic year. 申请人必须至少有3个.平均成绩2分,并对人权和国际司法的电子游戏正规平台有明确的承诺.

请注意 that if an applicant is applying for a grant to do research in conjunction with a study abroad academic program, the proposed research must be separate from the academic work already being done as part of that program.


和过去一样, the Center supports proposals for research from a diverse set of methodologies including participatory and action research, 这是以人权为重点和分析来处理感兴趣的主题. 今年,我们的工作重点是:

人权与移徙. 广泛的定义, 我们欢迎来自不同学科的建议,它们着眼于一个包含法律的问题, 心理, 神学, 或者其他框架.

过渡司法. This area can be explored in any of the four domains of transitional justice (TJ) including but not limited to: TJ in post-conflict situations, 在发生侵犯人权事件后对历史上侵犯人权事件的赔偿(例如.g.、奴役、采掘工业等.),以社区为基础的创造性过程有助于治疗和/或记忆过程.

The Center will also consider funding proposals addressing issues of human rights and international justice that do not squarely fit into the above areas.

凯尔西一. Rennebohm纪念奖学金

2013年,该中心成立了凯尔西A. Rennebohm纪念奖学金.  更多关于凯尔西的信息, 过去的人, 或如何捐款给奖学金基金,可以在这里访问.

该奖学金每年颁发给一名学生, 本科生或电子游戏正规平台生, 谁提出的电子游戏正规平台或活动家奖学金位于心理学的界面, 心理健康, 性别, 社会正义, 还有人权.

To be considered for the Rennebohm奖学金, please indicate where asked on the application form.



该中心将为接受的提案提供固定的奖励金额.  预计2024年的奖励水平如下: 

不包括国际旅行: BC省电子游戏正规平台生1000美元,本科生500美元.

涉及国际旅行: BC省电子游戏正规平台生1500美元,本科生750美元.


Recipients of 夏季电子游戏正规平台补助金 commit to deliver the following as part of the terms of the grant:

  • 一份5-10页的报告,详细说明他们的发现 9月初 在接下来的秋季学期
  • present the results of their summer research project at a campus event during the spring semester of the subsequent academic year (typically mid-March for undergrads, 五月中(电子游戏正规平台生)

请注意 that the Center will share award recipients' names and award amounts with the BC financial aid office, 根据联邦法规和BC政策. If you have any question as to whether receipt of such funds might affect your financial aid in any way, 在考虑申请时,请咨询你的财务援助官员.

Travel related to research will be subject to BC's travel policies regarding COVID conditions at the time of planned travel.



The research topic and methodology must be developed in consultation with a 电子游戏软件 faculty member who will also approve, 监督和评估学生的学习计划和最终成果. 学习计划必须包括电子游戏正规平台设计和时间表. The application must include a letter from the faculty advisor indicating a willingness to supervise the applicant should the applicant receive an award.


拟建的涉及人类受试者的电子游戏正规平台项目, 需要BC省机构审查委员会(IRB)的批准.  提交提案的学生 不应该 自行决定他们的电子游戏正规平台是否需要IRB审查.

强烈推荐 that applicants with human subjects-related proposed research begin to engage the BC Office of 电子游戏正规平台 Protections about the IRB approval process at the time of application for the summer research grant, 或之前.  The BC research office is happy to take inquiries as you put together your proposal if you have questions along the way.  也, you should engage your faculty supervisor who has agreed to supervise your proposed research about the process as they also may have experience with the process and can help advise you.

以帮助进一步简化这一过程, 在提交申请时, 中心将与BC IRB分享提案,供其审查.  The BC IRB will then reach out to submitting students to counsel them on the Human Subjects review process.

Official approvals may take up to 60 business days per the Office of 电子游戏正规平台 Protection's website (below).  另外,请注意,中心 不会 disburse funds for proposals selected for funding until either the Human Subjects review process has been completed by the IRB, or when the IRB makes a determination that Human Subjects review is not necessary for the given proposal.

Also important to note for those students proposing to do research related to Native American tribes: many tribes have their own protocols and approvals they require before any research may be done and reported, so it is important that you identify any such considerations and proactively engage tribal leadership in this process to prevent late complications.  不列颠哥伦比亚省电子游戏正规平台保护办公室也可以帮助您识别这些相关方.

Here are some important resources concerning the IRB and the Human Subjects review process:



1. 一份两页,双倍行距的个人陈述,描述你的:

  • 回来ground.
  • 有电子游戏正规平台经验或从事人权相关工作.
  • How your proposed research/study plan fits into your broader educational goals and relates to human rights and international justice

2. 一份4-6页,双倍行距的提案,说明: 

  • 拟进行的项目及方法.
  • 你承担这个项目的总体准备.
  • 期望你的电子游戏正规平台将如何促进你在BC的整体教育
  • A clear demonstration of the link between your project and issues(s) of human rights and/or international justice. NB: There should be a dedicated section in the proposal of up to 300 words describing this relationship.

3. 一封BC大学教员的信,表明他们愿意指导你的电子游戏正规平台

4. A letter of recommendation from a BC faculty member attesting to your academic capability to undertake the project (may also be the research supervisor as per above and combined into one letter)

5. The name and contact information of a second academic reference who may also be contacted to attest to your academic capability to undertake the project

6. 现在的bbc成绩单

7. 你的简历/简历

应用, 在下面的链接按钮填写谷歌表单, 哪个还有上传按钮可以提交以上材料.  推荐信可以直接发邮件至humanrights@highw.net. Academic transcript may also be scanned or screen shot and uploaded in the below application form, 或在Agora中要求通过校园邮件发送给CHRIJ, 斯托克斯N410.

申请的最后期限 延长至2024年4月8日.  Any questions on the application process may be directed to Center Assistant Director 盖Karcz at 蒂莫西.karcz@highw.net.

